
Chinese Digital Influence in South East Asia - Malaysia

Last updated: 3 Jul 2024
Chinese Digital Influence in South East Asia - Malaysia


Executive Summary

In the fourth part of our ongoing series on Chinese Influence in Southeast Asia, our Focus shifts to Malaysia. As with all papers in this series, the aim is to create a foundation upon which more detailed research can be conducted in the form of specific case studies. Numerous factors contribute to Malaysia being a focal point for influence operations. The nation boasts the fifth largest economy in Southeast Asia, representing approximately 12% of the region's GDP. With substantial deposits of tin and oil along with ranking as the 11th largest producer of bauxite and manganese, Malaysia holds significant natural resource wealth. Additionally, it also holds the third largest gas reserve in the Asia-Pacific region, following China and Indonesia. Malaysia's economic landscape is characterized by robust agricultural and manufacturing sectors.
Geopolitically, Malaysia occupies a pivotal position at the intersection of the South China Sea and Indian Ocean, making it also strategically significant. The Malacca Strait, a crucial maritime route linking the two regions, traverses along the Malaysian coastline. Moreover, Malaysia faces territorial disputes, particularly with China's claims based on the controversial nine-dash line, which encroaches upon Malaysian territories in the states of....


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