
The Rise of AI and What It Means in the Realm of Digital Influence

Last updated: 28 Aug 2024
The Rise of AI and What It Means in the Realm of Digital Influence

The Rise of AI and What It Means in the Realm of Digital Influence
Author: Florian Frank

In recent years, AIs have achieved a level of sophistication that was previously unimaginable within such a short time frame. AI is now utilized in virtually every field, from building webpages and creating texts to intelligence gathering, design, and medicine. The impact of AI on the economy and society is profound and far-reaching.

Although it's crucial to highlight the numerous benefits AIs bring to the table, this article will focus on its darker aspects. Much of the AI discourse is plagued by hysteria, fears of sudden massive unemployment, or scenarios in which an AI decides the world would be better off without humans. While some of these concerns are legitimate, they often overshadow the genuine dangers that AIs are confronting us with today. This article will explore some of the most recent developments in AI and their implementation in hostile influence campaigns.

Throughout the article, I have included quotes from ChatGPT, as it seems befitting to let an AI speak for itself on the issues concerning its societal impact. But before we delve into the dangers and potential solutions, let's examine how.....

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