
Chinese Digital Influence in South East Asia - Indonesia

Last updated: 3 Jul 2024
Chinese Digital Influence in South East Asia - Indonesia


Executive Summary
In the second part of our ongoing series on Chinese digital influence in Southeast Asia we are taking a closer look at Indonesia.

Indonesia has the largest population and economy in Southeast Asia and is the most populous Islamic country in the world. It boasts large deposits of natural resources such as oil, gas, nickel, gold, tin, and copper. It is one of the largest agricultural exporters in the world with nearly 30% of the land in the country used for agriculture and has a fast-expanding fisheries Industry. Under the guidance of President Jokowi Widodo Indonesia seen unprecedented economic growth an ongoing modernization of the countrys infrastructure and an increasingly flourishing tech sector, which has seen companies such as Tokopedia and Gojek arise.

Geographically the country is a strategically important crossroad between the South China Sea and Indian Ocean. All major shipping lanes between the 2 regions, mainly through the Malacca Strait, need to pass along the Indonesian coastline.

The demographic, economic and geographic factors explain much of the activity of Chinese influence in Indonesia. The country is a key regional player and increasingly taking up a prominent role on the international field, making it a priority for world powers such as China.
Key findings:
  • China is using both official and unofficial digital channels to push its narratives in Indonesia.
  • Key narratives are focused on shading a positive light on the treatment of Uighurs in Xinjiang, discrediting Japan around the Fukushima incident and..........


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